About SET

Structural Energetic Therapy® is an advanced form of holistic body work that looks for the CAUSE of pain in the soft tissue patterns of the body. It is much more than an average deep tissue or sports massage and is ideal for treating the following conditions plus more!


Unlike traditional massage, SET looks for and addresses the cause of Acid Reflux within the core structural frame of the body.


Similar to massage, SET helps to address the pain of arthritis but SET addresses the STRUCTURAL REASON as to why the arthritis is present therefore giving long term relief.


Massage can calm clients down although the charge of the emotion is still present. With SET, clients often feel a sense of emotional relief after a session. In addition, clients can choose an Emotional Release Session with Breath Work to release the emotional charge of the stress and/or pain in the body.


Massage helps people sleep as it calms the central nervous system but the effects of the massage will only last so long. Structural Energetic Therapy addresses the cause of pain therefore offering a long term solution to sleep issues.


Massage can calm clients down although the charge of the emotion is still present. With SET, clients often feel a sense of emotional relief after a session. In addition, clients can choose an Emotional Release Session with Breath Work to release the emotional charge of the stress and/or pain in the body.


With massage, the sore muscles are soothed. With SET, the toxicity of the muscles is addressed with Cranial/Structural and Myofascial Releases which help move the toxins and lymph that can be causing pain, inflammation, and swelling.


Massage can help decrease pain and increase range of motion for Frozen Shoulders, yet SET addresses the CAUSE of the Frozen Shoulder as it relates to the whole structural pattern therefore focusing on a long term solution not just the symptom of problem.


Reduce and/or eliminate Ganglion Cysts with the myofascial and structural releases of Structural Energetic Therapy. There are solutions where massage might not have helped.

Headaches / Migraines

Massage might provide some temporary relief, but get to the cause of the problem with Structural Energetic Therapy. Address the cranial, neck, and upper body restrictions that keep headaches coming back with SET.